[canceled] SCEJ 22nd Students Meeting in Okayama
The 22nd SCEJ Students Meeting had been planned to be held at Tsushima Campus of Okayama University on Sat. 7th of March, 2020 and 14 undergraduate students of the Chemical Process Engineering Course Program had planned to present their thesis works at the meeting. However, the presentations at the venue was not held due to the COVID-19 but their studies were published in the Preprints of the Meeting.
Presenting authors from the Course: R. Nishikawa (PT), Y. Katayama (SCE), S. Kai (PT), T. Ueda (SE), Y. Ohashi (CRE), T. Kaneo (SE), K. Tanabe (CRE), N. Sano (CRE), Y. Watanabe (SE), K. Nigai (CRE), M. Fueki (CRE), K. Nishi (SE), K. Watanabe (SE), H. Arima (SCE)